Oslo Men's mile

Thursday, June 9, 2011

With runners like Haron Keitany the winner from The Pre Classic last Saturday and Asbel Kiprop the 1500 Olympic Champ, this race proved to be a good one. The pacers took it out in 55.26 for the first 400, kiprop placed himself right behind the pacers. They went through 800 at 1:53.00, then came through 1200 in 2:52.81. With 200 left Kiprop had been pushed back to fifth and then started to move up. With 50 meters left Kiprop kicked past Keitany to win in 3:50.86 to 3:51.02.


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My name is Howard DaCosta. I've participated in the sport of track and field for the past 9 years, and love most sports. I know statistics on a variety of athletes, teams and sports. Analytical and logical, ask me questions on past or current events and I can have or find the answer.

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